How Confident Would You Feel If You…
How Confident Would You Feel If You…
Knew exactly where to step next on your path through life
No longer let the failures and regrets of the past hold you back
Turned your pain into mind blowing personal growth and success
This is the dream, but right now:
This is the dream, but right now:
Don’t worry, things are about to look up:
Don’t worry, things are about to look up:
There IS a way to feel empowered and achieve YOUR wildest dreams. Screw those achievements everyone else told you are important. That shit is boring, and you are better than that.
You can be responsible, imperfect, complex, AND have fun.
Get ready to rewrite the rules for success
(without worrying about other people’s expectations)
Get ready to rewrite the rules for success
(without worrying about other people’s expectations)
Are you done cock-blocking your own happiness? It’s time to let go of:
- Confusion over what you want to be when you grow up. Is it okay to change your mind when you’re knee-deep on a particular path?
- Feeling that everyone else has it all figured out while you’re still stuck in the weeds.
- The struggle of wanting to be successful but feeling like you will never measure up or be enough.
- Emotional gymnastics you endure when deciding what is most important to YOU, what you believe is actually possible, and how to overcome all the sh!t you’ve lived through so far.
I’m passionate about helping people like you uncover success while being your most authentic self.
I have messed up in life – big time. I have just decided it’s time to own it, make amends and stop torturing myself. I’m learning what is truly important to me. As part of my journey to an honest life, I wrote the book, Successful as F*ck: A No BS Tale of Screwing Up and Succeeding Anyway.
Successful as F*ck is a raw, unfiltered look into defining and redefining success according to the only person worth a damn: you.
Choose Your Adventure
All paths lead to bomb-ass clarity, confidence, and a more deeply fulfilling life.
All paths lead to bomb-ass clarity, confidence, and a more deeply fulfilling life.
About Me
About Me
Riah Gonzalez | Unconventional Success Expert & Ring Leader of the Successful as F*ck Community
Hi, that’s me! I’m an author, speaker, mom, and the proud female founder of Linq Consulting Solutions, a Virtual Assistant Matchmaking Company.
Look, I get it. Work is hard. Life feels harder. Can we get real for a second?
You are walking around with years worth of stories in your noggin’ and a tug at your heart that says you’ll never be enough. I believe that when we’re ready to roll with life’s punches, we start to realize that a ton of them are actually high fives from the universe. I’ve lived a lifetime of stories – some of them rad, some of them sad. The best part is I am not a one-and-done tale – I’m rewriting this bitch, and you can too.
Are you ready to kick the urge to diminish your own success story to the curb and build the no-BS life of your dreams?
I’ve got your back. Let’s do this.

Riah’s efficiency in making decisions and taking action, willingness to think outside the box, creative brainstorming and quickness to pick up concepts blew my mind! Plus, she was a joy to work with – positive, intelligent, service focused, appreciative and warm. Her ability to make people feel valued and motivated is a great asset to any situation. She certainly enriched the experience for me and continues to show me that our connection is important to her.
Riah is exactly what I needed! After describing the pain points I face with my business and clients for less than 10 minutes, Riah somehow beautifully connected the dots that were floating around in my head into a vision for my products and actionable steps to get there. No matter where you are at, you’ll benefit more than you knew was possible from Success Consulting with Riah! She’ll be a huge part of my success arsenal from now on!