Riah Gonzalez

We all fail, but who doesn’t love a comeback story? Grab your sword (or flying pegasus or even your #2 pencil to jot that shit down)… It’s your time to be the hero.
And every hero needs a badass squad to back them up.
That’s why created the Successful AF Community. For you. For your journey to slay the world pressure to be something different than who you truly are. It’s a place to celebrate battles won and laugh about the stumbles along the way.
Successful AF is an accessible (aka FREE) community away from the BS of social media and set aside for real and raw conversations. It’s 100% come as you are (I’ll be the one in the corner with the adorably frizzy hair, hoodie, and pajama pants). You are needed and welcome – don’t miss out! There’s even an app so. you can take that badassery on the go.
Riah is truly a caring, conscious and competent business owner who leads her team with a great heart-and-head balance and a deep commitment to her customers’ satisfaction. She and her team are reliable and deliver above-and-beyond. I highly recommend!
Riah is exactly what I needed! After describing the pain points I face with my business and clients for less than 10 minutes, Riah somehow beautifully connected the dots that were floating around in my head into a vision for my products and actionable steps to get there. No matter where you are at, you’ll benefit more than you knew was possible from Success Consulting with Riah! She’ll be a huge part of my success arsenal from now on!
Riah is a collaboration champion and a great partner. Her attention to detail, professionalism and genuine sincerity in accomplishing the project at hand is exceptional. She goes above and beyond to deliver the best results to her clients and her customer relationship skills are top notch. Riah is an absolute joy to work with.
Riah is a great partner and I have really enjoyed collaborating with her. She is incredibly creative and brings a unique perspective every time we talk. I love working with Riah because she brings the highest level of professionalism and delivers on everything she says she will.
Riah’s efficiency in making decisions and taking action, willingness to think outside the box, creative brainstorming and quickness to pick up concepts blew my mind! Plus, she was a joy to work with – positive, intelligent, service focused, appreciative and warm. Her ability to make people feel valued and motivated is a great asset to any situation. She certainly enriched the experience for me and continues to show me that our connection is important to her.I highly recommend Riah for her interpersonal skills and professionalism as well as commitment to successful and long lasting results. I’ll be using her services in the future and I have recommended her to many of my clients!
Riah is NEXT LEVEL! Her process and approach prompts ACTION, which feeds and strengthens confidence!
Hiring Riah was one of my top business decisions in 2021, hands down! Thanks, Riah! You and your team have made it possible for me to feel sane again and dream big dreams for my small business. I have not regretted it for a single moment!
Having your service was a game changer!
What moved the needle for me was all the conversations relating to why I started my business it in the first place. The process brought together so many insights. How I now redefine my success means reconnecting with and sharing her joy.

Professional, Mom, Scorpio/Libra cusp. Fan of Dogs, Mexican Food, and Acoustic Rock. Proud Bilingual Babe.
I’m not me without: My incredible husband, who has been by my side since our high school prom(!!), and our three beautiful daughters, Angelica, Marisol, and Gabriela.
The proudest moment of my life: Is probably a tie between the birth of my children and winning a school-wide T-Shirt Design contest in third grade. (Don’t laugh — it was a really good t-shirt design.)
I will drop everything and dance in the grocery store if they play: New Kids On The Block, Shakira, or Selena (Quintanilla or Gomez, you pick – they both do it for me).
My everyday uniform: Are you kidding? A hoodie and jeans, for sure.
You might not guess by looking at me that I: Have been named Maternal Unit Of The Year for 24 years running*. Of course, it’s an honor just to be nominated. I’d like to thank God first…
The people around me would say I’m: Stubborn. Like, “I took one college class at a time for twelve years to finish my Bachelor’s Degree while raising my 3 daughters”-level stubborn.
I will talk for hours about: My sweet Boston Terrier, Phoebe. Dogs > cats.
Prepare to lose to me if we: Play Connect Four. I will stomp you.
My go-to Starbucks Order: A Grande Nonfat Latte with Two Splendas, AKA “The Perfect Latte.”
*DISCLOSURE: Results not typical. Judging panel was compensated with approximately two and a half decades worth of food, shelter, and clothing.